Zomer in de Wensel Cobergherstraat in Gereen-Noord, Breda ca. 1965-1975
3D model voor Oosterhout
Via Marin Residential Building , Milano 1933-1934 by Asnago Vender.
Gevelfragment voor t’Veldje
Collage voor Promenade Park
Le Cyclope by Odilon Redon
Heinrich Tessenow, Emergency housing for the veterans’ resettlement colony at Rähnitz, 1917
Altrospazio Architetture Milanesi, Ca’ Brutta by Giovanni Muzio, 1922. ph/ Luca Sironi
University of Aarhus, Kay Fisker. ph/ Poul ib Henriksen
La barriere de Passy by Claude Nicolas Ledoux, 1783
De Hoofdweg by Wijdeveld, Gulden en Geldmaker
Time Out, The Dave Brubeck Quartet album
University of Aarhus, Kay Fisker. ph/ Julian Weyer
The Salutation in East Kent by Edwin Lutiens, 1911
Kim Novak and James Stewart on top of the Flatiron Building for the movie Bell, Book and Candle
Maquettes op kantoor
Résidence du Parc by Camille Damman in Liege, 1937
Interieur van Capucijnenklooster kapel, Philippe van Gulpen ca. 1840
Landkarte, Rijksarchief Limburg
Bruno Taut, Gartenstadt Falkenberg, Am Akazienhof